What’s your resolution in 2020?
What’s your resolution in 2020?
As we start 2020, you may find yourself reflecting on past resolutions and debating on whether to make new ones. Were you able to achieve your resolutions for 2019? If so, congratulations! You are in rare company. According to U.S. News and World Report, by February, 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail[1]
Well, if you are interested in some sure-fire resolutions for 2020, you are in the right place as a member of InfraGardNCR. Like hitting the Staples “Easy Button”, you can resolve to be more active with InfraGard in 2020 and do so with a simple click of your computer mouse (or a press of the finger for those with a touch screen). Here’s how:
1. Register for the InfraGardNCR Annual Members Meeting and Tour https://www.eventbrite.com/e/infragardncr-annual-members-meeting-tickets-82208446677
Yes – there is still time. This year, the annual members meeting will combine a series of chapter updates and briefings (including a case presentation on last summer's arrest and conviction of Maria Butina, a Russian national who conspired to act as an agent of the Russian Federation while in the United States) with a special presentation and tour of TWA Flight 800's reconstructed fuselage. This will be a great day and a great way to become more engaged with your InfraGard chapter and peers.
2. Join the InfraGard Patriot’s Circle http://www.infragardnational.org/
As you know, both our chapter and InfraGard are nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations. It is through the generosity of our individual members and other stakeholders that we can defray or cover the costs of programs that strengthen national security and resilience. Your tax-deductible gift will serve as a force multiplier in this worthwhile endeavor and $20 of your donation will go directly to our chapter, supporting the programs in the metropolitan Washington region.
3. Volunteer to help with InfraGardNCR Cyber Camp
Okay – this one requires more than just a mouse click, but it is very rewarding and only requires one day of your time (or maybe less). In its fourth year, our annual cyber camp is aimed at helping high school students learn about cybersecurity with an eye toward nurturing the future generation of people to help tackle one of the biggest threats to critical infrastructure. If you are interested in volunteering (no technical expertise required), please contact curriculum lead Kristi Horton at khorton@horton-innovations.com or email infragardncr@gmail.com. We'll need chaperones for a field trip, classroom assistants and instructors. Minimum commitment is four hours.
These are just a few suggestions for how to set and achieve a resolution for 2020 and at the same time become more involved with InfraGardNCR, support our chapter, and fulfill our mission of protecting critical infrastructure in the National Capital Region. If you are interested in doing more – the sky is the limit. Just email us at infragardncr@gmail.com and let us know how you would like to help.
Here’s to a great 2020 and hopefully I’ll see you at the annual members meeting on January 28th.
Steve Bieber
[1] Luciani, J. (2015). Why 80 Percent of New Year's Resolutions Fail. Retrieved from https://health.usnews.com/health-news/blogs/eat-run/articles/2015-12-29/why-80-percent-of-new-years-resolutions-fail.