Meet your Special Interest Group Leaders
Each chapter is empowered to have special interest groups (SIGs) tailored to their particular needs. Designed to enhance focused collaboration and communication, a SIG can be sector specific, address cross-sector issues, threat specific, or a combination of these - whatever best suits the needs and interests of the chapter's members. Currently, InfraGardNCR supports two SIGs, the Cyber SIG and the Government Contractors SIG. if you would like to participate in either of the SIGs, please contact the appropriate SIG chair or our FBI Coordinators. If you think there is a need for a SIG that doesn't exist AND want to lead that effort, reach out to the Board of Directors and make a pitch!
Cyber Special Interest Group
Jeffrey Lolley
Mark Tanner
The Cyber SIG was established to provide a forum for:
cyber professionals in the public & private sectors to discuss cyber threats;
to share information on cyber issues and collaborate on solutions;
facilitate liaison between members and government for cyber threats and response; and
identify speakers from government and industry to provide information to participants.
The result of these efforts lead to early detection and response to cyber threats and attacks thus, mitigating the damage. Additionally, the quality and timeliness of response will enhance law enforcement and intelligence missions to affix attribution for surveillance or prosecution.
The cyber security practitioners meet bi-month to exchange information relevant to their profession. We also have an extended community of cyber security supporters, many of whom are leaders in industry and academia. These two groups form our Cyber SIG, and both groups meet each quarter for networking and educational opportunities.
If you have an interest in being a contributing member of the Cyber SIG, please request a questionnaire from Mark Tanner @ or our InfraGard Coordinators @ New candidates will be reviewed for membership as soon as practical.
Meet Jeff
Long before cybersecurity was a boardroom concern, Jeff was advising companies and government agencies on managing a broad spectrum of cybersecurity issues.
Internationally recognized as a leader within the global cybersecurity community, Jeff oversees cybersecurity consulting for the firm. He has helped discover and counter virtually every type of cyber risk – anticipating and helping clients solve a wide range of issues.
Whether it's incident response, policy development, governance, computer crime, cyber espionage, regulatory compliance, or any number of cybersecurity-related areas, Jeff is at the forefront of cybersecurity professionals with the ability to see what's ahead and proactively guide clients.
Jeff is plugged into the needs of multinational clients, having led security programs for Marriott International and AT&T. He brings an extensive technical knowledge of advanced threat detection to clients, having worked extensively on the U.S. government's development of technologies to detect and reduce the risk of Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs).
Jeff has also supported and led cybersecurity responsive efforts for some of the largest global data breaches, and has extensive knowledge and experience in securing commercial and government infrastructures.
In addition to numerous commercial engagements, he has served as the Chief Security Architect for the U.S. Department of State and Integrated Space Command and Control (ISC2) Program.
Jeff previously served on the ANSI X9 standards council for developing a secure financial transactions architecture and co-chaired the Hotel Technology Next Generation working group on cybersecurity.
Meet Mark
Following a distinguished career in the FBI as a Special Agent serving over 23 years, Mark has held executive level positions in a variety of technology companies. He also manages security related tasks such as continuity of operations and information security.
In the FBI, Mark achieved the rank of Senior Executive Service. He retired as the Director of the Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force (FTTTF). The FTTTF is a multi-agency national task force created by Homeland Security Presidential Directive #2. FTTTF is responsible for providing support to operational components of law enforcement and the intelligence community. Its mission is to keep foreign terrorists and their supporters out of the U.S. and lead to their deportation, surveillance, or prosecution.
During his tenure as FTTTF director, he also established the Terrorist Screening Center, which was initially collocated with FTTTF.
As an FBI Special Agent, Mark served in the Jacksonville, Charlotte, Phoenix, and New York field offices, as well as FBI headquarters. In Phoenix, he created a Joint Drug Intelligence Group (JDIG) by forming a team comprised of agents and analysts from the FBI, DEA, US Customs, the former INS, Arizona Department of Public Safety, Phoenix PD, Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, and US Military. As a result of his efforts, this highly effective team became a model for other JDIGs throughout the country.
While in Phoenix, Mark was promoted to Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC) overseeing the office's organized crime, drug, and violent crime programs. He also served as the SWAT coordinator. He was an on-scene commander for the Oklahoma City bombing investigation (OKBOMB), Amtrak train derailment (SPLIT RAIL), and take-down of the Montana FREEMEN.
Mark was then selected to the Senior Executive Service to function as the FBI’s information resources manager. In this role, he established the Office of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and served as the Deputy CIO. In this role he was responsible for the FBI’s enterprise architecture, information technology investment board, oversight of independent verification and validation contracts, and was the Accrediting Authority for the operation of FBI systems.
Mark holds an accounting degree from East Carolina University. "Federal Computer Week" magazine recognized and highlighted Mark as one of the ten “new IT leaders” in the federal government, and he was a finalist for the Citigroup Smith Barney CIO of the Year Award.